Top 10 News Bloopers: Real-Life Ron Burgundy “Anchorman” Moments

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

Best On-Air Feud Sparked By An Elevator

If you read between the lines of this ego-fueled man-splosion, you’ll see the barely contained burning lust between these two silver foxes. Someone get these two a private elevator, stat!

Most Visceral Display of Confusion

Sue Simmons isn’t being vulgar. She’s simply using the news as a platform to ask the age-old question: “What the fuck are you doing?” I mean, what the fuck are any of us doing? And does it matter? What the fuck is the nature of life? Why the fuck must there be suffering on Earth? Thank you, Sue, for setting us on the path to enlightenment.

Best Use of Jibberish to Convey A Medical Emergency

This turned out to be the result of a serious migraine and not a stroke as most had feared. So now that we know that she’s fine, I’ll say it: am I the only one who thinks she missed her calling as a legendary jazz scat singer?

Best Pantless Reporting

I’d hate to see what he wears on casual Fridays.

Best Expression of Fear by a Weatherman

Just when we thought that weathermen couldn’t sink any lower, this meteorologist is  reduced to a screaming child by a roach. Shh! No one tell this guy that girls have cooties!

Weatherman Scared By Cockroach by thexcity

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