Sunny Day Real Estate – Seven

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

photo by Brian TamborelloWhen Sunny Day Real Estate collapsed in early 1995, few would have predicted the impact the Seattle band’s music would still be having over a decade later. Now, more than 15 years since Sub Pop released Sunny Day’s landmark debut album Diary, the band’s original lineup is reuniting this fall to deliver its emotionally charged epics for live audiences once again.

Original bassist Nate Mendel was the driving force in Sunny Day getting back together in 2009, having first approached Enigk and Goldsmith about the idea two years ago. With the Foo Fighters — Mendel’s current band — taking a break, the bassist tried again in early 2009, and this time his bandmates said yes. The reunion tour will coincide with expanded reissues of Diary and LP2, which will be the focus of the live set lists. “Seven” is the first track from Diary.

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